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Chapter 5:  Cultivars and Species for Use in Alaska

Commercially Available Species and Cultivars

Hairgrass, Bering
‘Norcoast’ Bering hairgrass (pdf file)
Deschampsia beringensis
, Cultivar

‘Norcoast’ Bering hairgrass was released in 1981 by the University of Alaska Agricultural Experiment Station as a forage and revegetation grass in northern areas.  ‘Norcoast’ is recommended for revegetation use in coastal regions of Western Alaska to Southwestern Alaska and possibly in the northern maritime regions (Mitchell, 1985).

‘Norcoast’ Bering hairgrass
Figure 35:  ‘Norcoast’ Bering hairgrass, Deschampsia beringensis, is an important revegetation species for coastal areas in Alaska. This cultivar was developed by the University of Alaska.

Hairgrass, Tufted
‘Nortran’ tufted hairgrass (pdf file)
Deschampsia caespitosa, Cultivar

‘Nortran’ tufted Hairgrass was also released by the University of Alaska Agricultural Experiment Station.  Intended use is similar to ‘Norcoast’; however, this cultivar is better adapted to northern regions of Alaska (Mitchell, 1985).  Commercial availability began in 1994.

‘Nortran’ tufted hairgrass
Figure 36:  ‘Nortran’ tufted hairgrass

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