This manual is created to help those involved in revegetation efforts select
appropriate seed mixes and, to some degree, methods for revegetation.

Alaska Department of Natural Resources
5310 S. Bodenburg Spur Rd.
Palmer, AK 99645

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Revegetation
- Revegetation – An introduction and background to the terms used in the field
- Why revegetate an area?
Chapter 2: Basic Steps of Revegetation
Chapter 3: Seed Specifications
- Initial Evaluation and Increase
- Advanced Evaluation Plots
- Publications Associated With Initial and Advanced Evaluations
Chapter 5: Cultivars and Species for Use in Alaska
- Commercially Available Species and Cultivars
- Bluegrass, Alpine - ‘Gruening’
- Bluegrass, Glaucous - ‘Tundra’
- Bluegrass, Kentucky - ‘Merion’
- Bluegrass, Kentucky - ‘Nugget’
- Bluegrass, Kentucky - ‘Park’
- Fescue, Red - ‘Arctared’
- Fescue, Red - ‘Boreal’
- Fescue, Red - ‘Pennlawn’
- Hairgrass, Bering - ‘Norcoast’
- Hairgrass, Tufted - ‘Nortran’
- Polargrass - ‘Alyeska’
- Polargrass - ‘Kenai’
- Reedgrass, Bluejoint - ‘Sourdough’
- Ryegrass, Annual - Lolium multiflorum
- Ryegrass, Perennial - Lolium perenne
- Sloughgrass, American - ‘Egan’
- Wheatgrass, Slender - Wainwright Germplasm
- Wildrye, Beach - ‘Benson’
- Wildrye, Beach - ‘Reeve’
- Wormwood, Tilesius’ - ‘Caiggluk'
- Released for Commercial Seed Production
- Alkaligrass, Nootka - Ninilchik Germplasm
- Artemisia, Dusty Miller - Shemya Germplasm
- Barley, Meadow - Lowell Point Germplasm
- Bluegrass, Alpine - Teller Germplasm
- Bluegrass, Arctic - Adak Germplasm
- Bluegrass, Arctic - Council Germplasm
- Bluegrass, Arctic - Tin City Germplasm
- Bluegrass, Glaucous - Nome Germplasm
- Bluegrass, Large-glume - Andrew Bay Germplasm
- Bluegrass, Big - ‘Service’
- Chamomile, Arctic Wild - Kotzebue Germplasm
- Cinquefoil, Staghorn - Mentasta Germplasm
- Fescue, Red - Henderson Ridge Germplasm
- Fescue, Viviparous - Safety Germplasm
- Fireweed, Dwarf - Kobuk Germplasm
- Fleabane, Beach - Clam Lagoon Germplasm
- Iris, Wild - Knik Germplasm
- Jacob’s Ladder, Beautiful - Butte Germplasm
- Locoweed, Nodding - Franklin Bluffs Germplasm
- Lovage, Beach - Casco Cove Germplasm
- Oxytrope, Field - Black Rapids Germplasm
- Parsley, Jakutsk Snow - Tok Germplasm
- Reedgrass, Nootka - Pioneer Peak Germplasm
- Sedge, Longawn - Attu Germplasm
- Speargrass, Largeflower - Port Clarence Germplasm
- Sweetvetch, Alpine - Paxson Germplasm
- Trisetum, Spike - Nelchina Germplasm
- Wheatgrass, Thickspike - Solomon Germplasm
- Wheatgrass, Tufted - Slana Germplasm
- Wildrye, Downy - Cantwell Germplasm
- Yarrow, Boreal - Twenty Mile Germplasm
Chapter 6: Choose Species/Cultivars for Revegetation Projects
- Instructions for Revegetation Suggestions Charts and Map of Alaska
- Table 1a: Species/Cultivar Characteristic Chart (available commercially)
- Table 1b: Species/Cultivar Characteristic Chart (not available commercially)
- Table 2: Chart Symbols for Soil Types
- Revegetation Suggestions for Arctic Alaska
- Revegetation Suggestions for Western Alaska
- Revegetation Suggestions for Interior Alaska
- Revegetation Suggestions for Southwest Alaska
- Revegetation Suggestions for Southcentral Alaska
- Revegetation Suggestions for Southeast Alaska
Chapter 8: Fertilizer and Other Soil Amendments
Chapter 9: Specialized Equipment Needs
- Broadcast Seeders
- Drop Spreaders
- Drill Seeders
- Hydroseeding
- Table 3: Characteristics of Various Spreading Equipment
Chapter 10: Mulch and Erosion Matting
Chapter 11: Transplanting and Sprigging (Advanced Techniques)