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Chapter 6:  Choose Species/Cultivars for Revegetation Projects

Revegetation Suggestions for
Interior Alaska
Based on Soil Characteristics & Available Moisture

Soil Group
Refer to Soil Type Chart
Seed Rate
Refer to Directions
Species/Cultivar Selection
Refer to Species/Cultivar Characteristic Chart For Category Ratings
High Organic   Suggest fertilizer only. If seeding is stipulated use suggestion for MH, CH, OH Mesic or Xeric depending on site
GW, GP   Suggest scarification and fertilizer only. If seeding is stipulated use specifications for GM, GC and soil moisture
    Soil Moisture Characteristics
    Saturated (Hydric) Average (Mesic) Very Dry (Xeric)
GM, GC 20 1 ‘Egan’ American sloughgrass
1 ‘Norcoast’ Bering hairgrass
1 ‘Alyeska’ polargrass
1 ‘Arctared’ red fescue
2 ‘Nortran’ tufted hairgrass
2 ‘Boreal’ red fescue
2 ‘Kenai’ polargrass
2 ‘Gruening’ alpine bluegrass
3 ‘Sourdough’ bluejoint reedgrass
1 ‘Arctared’ red fescue
1 ‘Norcoast’ Bering hairgrass
1 ‘Gruening’ alpine bluegrass
2 ‘Boreal’ red fescue
2 ‘Alyeska’ polargrass
2 ‘Nortran’ tufted hairgrass
2 Wainwright slender wheatgrass
1 Wainwright slender wheatgrass
1 ‘Arctared’ red fescue
1 ‘Gruening’ alpine bluegrass
2 ‘Nortran’ tufted hairgrass
2 ‘Norcoast’ Bering hairgrass
2 ‘Boreal’ red fescue
3 ‘Sourdough’ bluejoint reedgrass


40 1 ‘Arctared’ red fescue
1 Wainwright slender wheatgrass
1 ‘Norcoast’ Bering hairgrass
1 ‘Nortran’ tufted hairgrass
1 ‘Gruening’ alpine bluegrass
2 ‘Alyeska’ polargrass
2 ‘Kenai’ polargrass
2 ‘Boreal’ red fescue
3 ‘Egan’ American sloughgrass
3 ‘Sourdough’ bluejoint reedgrass
1 ‘Arctared’ red fescue
1 Wainwright slender wheatgrass
1 ‘Norcoast’ Bering hairgrass
1 ‘Nortran’ tufted hairgrass
1 ‘Gruening’ alpine bluegrass
2 ‘Alyeska’ polargrass
2 ‘Kenai’ polargrass
2 ‘Boreal’ red fescue
3 ‘Egan’ American sloughgrass
3 ‘Sourdough’ bluejoint reedgrass
MH, CH, OH 30 1 ‘Norcoast’ Bering hairgrass
1 ‘Egan’ American sloughgrass
2 ‘Alyeska’ polargrass
2 ‘Gruening’ alpine bluegrass

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