Soil Conservation Program
The Soil Conservation Program at the Plant Materials Center leads conservation projects and provides plant science expertise and technical assistance to government agencies, contractors, land users and the general public for the protection of soil resources.
PMC Programs
- PMC Home Page
- Horticulture
- Industrial Hemp
- Invasive Plants
- Plant Pathology
- Potatoes
- Potato Program
- Certified Seed Potato Production
- Disease Risk Monitoring
- Publications and Reports
- Late Blight Management Plan for Alaska, 2005
- AK Seed Potato Certification Handbook, 2017
- 2018 AK Certified Seed Potato Growers
- 2018 Potato Postharvest Processing Evaluation Report
- 2013 Potato Variety Trial Project
- 2015 Field Potato Evaluation
- 2016 Potato Germplasm Winter Growout
- Download .zip video of 2014 Potato Symposium Meeting
- Resources
- Revegetation
- Seed Production
- Soil Conservation
- Publication List
- Native Plant Source Directory
- PMC Staff Directory
- PMC Weather Station

5310 S Bodenburg Spur
Palmer, AK 99645
Phone: 907-745-4469
Fax: 907-746-1568
Mon. - Fri.
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Click Map For Directions
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Policy & Regulation
Section 402 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires nearly all construction site operators that engage in construction activities, such as clearing, grading and excavating to obtain coverage under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program. Under the CWA, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) took primacy of the NPDES storm water program from the EPA on October 31, 2009. The EPA acts in an oversight role with the DEC taking control over discharge permitting authority including responsibility for issuing and monitoring compliance with the permit terms, and taking enforcement action when necessary. The Alaska Construction General Permit (ACGP), reviewed by DEC's Division of Water, authorizes storm water discharges from large and small construction activities that result in a total land disturbance of equal to or greater than one acre and where those discharges enter waters of the United States or a separate municipal storm sewer system (MS4) leading to waters of the US. The goal of the ACGP is to minimize the discharge of storm water pollutants from construction activities to waters of the US. For more information about ACGP and/or SWPPP's please visit the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Division of Water or the Division of Water, Storm Water web pages.
Alaska Certified Erosion & Sediment Control Lead
Alaska Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (AK-CESCL) is a training and certification program to enhance compliance with DEC's ACGP for storm water discharges. It is overseen by the Alaska Storm Water Steering Committee (ASWSC) to provide standardized training statewide. ASWSC is a collaboration of government agencies and contractor associations. Visit the Alaska Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead website.
For More Information Contact:
Casey Dinkel
Soil and Erosion Control Specialist