Alaska Plant Materials Center: Publications by Staff
Below is a searchable and sortable list of publications created by past and present Plant Materials Center staff.
Publications that were not printed by the PMC may not have links and are listed for reference purposes only.
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- AK Seed Potato Certification Handbook, 2017
- 2018 AK Certified Seed Potato Growers
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PMC Publications
Subject/Keyword | Author | Year | Publication Name | Published By |
Disturbed Area Revegetation | Moore, Nancy J. | 1986 | Bank Revegetation Program, Bethel Small Boat Harbor | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Disturbed Area Revegetation | Moore, Nancy J. | 1987 | Evaluation of Advanced Herbaceous Conservation Species at Ft. Richardson, Anchorage, AK | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William (Bill) L. | 1988 | Late Blight Management Plan For Alaska | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Potato viruses and Disease | Campbell, William and Todd Steinlage | 2014 | 2014 Bacterial Ring Rot (BRR) Variety Inoculations Final Report | PMC |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William (Bill) L., and Dan W. Bagley | 1989 | Sucrose Analysis and Chipping Ability of Twenty Alaska Grown Potato Varieties | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William (Bill) L. | 1989 | Potato Disease Control Project | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William (Bill) L., Don Quarberg and Mike Carlson | 1989 | Delta Potato Variety Observation Project Report | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William (Bill) L., and Ray Gavlak | 1990 | Commercial Seed Potato Production Program for Export | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William (Bill) L. | 2005 | State of Alaska Potato Seed Certification Handbook, 2005 | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William (Bill) L. | 2005 | Late Blight Management Plan for Alaska, 2005 | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William L., Stephen Brown, Jeffrey Smeenk | 2012 | Bacterial Ring Rot in Alaska Potato Crops | UAF Cooperative Extension. PMC |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William L. | 1987 | Potatoes Alaska!. | Spudman. January/February. |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William L. | 1988 | Alaska potatoes: A textbook example of virus flushout [Abstract]. | American potato journal. 65(8):479. |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William L. | 1992 | Heirloom varieties: How can they be certified? [Abstract]. | American potato journal. 69(9):573. |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William L. | 1992 | An overview of potato production in Alaska [Abstract]. | American potato journal. 69(9):573 |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William L. | 1993 | Factors reducing monetary return of potato production in Alaska [Abstract]. | American potato journal. 70(11):801. |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William L. | 1994 | Varietal resistance to potato scab in Alaska [Abstract]. | American potato journal. 71(10):665. |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William L. | 1995 | Reviving potato breeding in Alaska [Abstract]. | American potato journal. 72(10):616. |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William L. | 1996 | Disease-tested cultivar maintenance [Abstract]. | American potato journal. 73(8):347 |
Potato Disease | Campbell, William L. | 2004 | Alaska's potato growing problems [Abstract]. | American journal of potato research. 81(1):49. |
Potato Disease | Gavlak, Ray G., W. L. Campbell, J. L. Walworth, C. L. Johnson, J. E. Muniz and T. A. Tindall. | 1993 | Nitrogen fertilization of irrigated russet potatoes in Southcentral Alaska. | American potato journal. 70(8):571-578. |
Potato Disease | Lee, I. M., K.D. Bottner, J. E. Munyaneza, W. L. Campbell, G. A. Secor, and N. C. Gudmestad. | 2004 | Closely related but distinct phytoplasmas associated with potato purple top and potato witches-broom disease in the US [Abstract]. | American Potato Society Annual Meeting, 2004. |
Potato Disease, Ring Rot, Inoculations, Potato Seed Lot Trial | Campbell, W.L., and Mia Kirk | 2014 | 2014 Bacterial Ring Rot (BRR) Seed Lot Source Trial | Plant Materials Center, 2014. |
Potato Report, Trial, Evaluation, Varieties | Blackburn, Brianne, and Christine Macknicki | 2015 | 2015 Field Evaluation of Potato Trials, Report | Plant Materials Center, 2015. |
Revegetation | Wright, Stoney J. and Phil K. Czapla | 2010 | Alaska Coastal Revegetation and Erosion Control Guide | SOA, DNR, PMC pp. 240. |
Revegetation | Czapla, Phil K. and Stoney J. Wright | 2012 | Interior Alaska Revegetation and Erosion Control Guide | SOA, DNR, PMC pp. 152. |
Forage | Dinkel, Casey L. and Phil K. Czapla | 2012 | Alaska Forage Manual | SOA, DNR, PMC pp. 112. |
Invasive Plants | Graziano, Gino A. | 2011 | Strategic plan for invasive weed & agricultural pest management and prevention in Alaska | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Invasive Plants | Graziano, Gino A. | 2011 | Spotted knapweed, Centaurea stoebe, early detection and rapid response in Alaska | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Invasive Plants | Graziano, Gino A. | 2011 | Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle) management plan within the Anchorage Borough boundaries | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Ethnobotany | Hunt, Peggy. | 2009 | State of Alaska ethnobotany research project | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Timber, Forest | Larsen, Jessica H., Peggy Hunt and Donald Ross | 2008 | Alaska non-timber forest products harvest manual - For commercial harvest on state-owned lands | SOA, DNR, Division of Mining, Land and Water and Division of Agriculture, PMC. pp. 41. |
Revegetation | Wright, Stoney J., ed. Peggy Hunt | 2008 | A revegetation manual for Alaska | SOA, DNR, PMC, pp. 74. |
Biofuel Plants | Peggy Hunt | 2009 | Alaska biofuel plants: Past, present, and future | SOA, DNR, PMC and University of Alaska Fairbanks, School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences. |
Native Plant Seeds | Moore, Nancy J., Donald R. Ross and Peggy Hunt | 2004 | Guidelines for planting seeds of Alaska native plants From the Native Plant Nursery, 2004 | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2007 | Franklin Bluffs germplasm nodding locoweed | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2007 | Kobuk germplasm dwarf fireweed | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2007 | Mentasta germplasm staghorn cinquefoil | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2007 | Pioneer Peak germplasm nootka reedgrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | Attu germplasm longawn sedge | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | Black Rapids germplasm field oxytrope | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | Butte germplasm beautiful Jacob's ladder | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | 'Caiggluk' Tilesius' wormwood | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | Cantwell germplasm downy wildrye | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | Council germplasm arctic bluegrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | Knik germplasm wild iris | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | Ninilchik germplasm nootka alkaligrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | Nome germplasm glaucous bluegrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | Paxson germplasm alpine sweetvetch | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | Port Clarence germplasm largeflower speargrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | Safety germplasm viviparous fescue | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | Shemya germplasm dusty miller | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | Slana germplasm tufted wheatgrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2006 | 'Tundra' glaucous bluegrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2005 | Adak germplasm arctic bluegrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2005 | Andrew Bay germplasm large-glume bluegrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2005 | Casco Cove germplasm beach lovage | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2005 | Clam Lagoon germplasm beach fleabane | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2005 | Henderson Ridge germplasm red fescue | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2005 | Kotzebue germplasm arctic wild chamomile | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2005 | Lowell Point germplasm meadow barley | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2005 | Nelchina germplasm spike trisetum | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2005 | Teller germplasm alpine bluegrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2005 | Tin City germplasm arctic bluegrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2005 | Tok germplasm Jakutsk snowparsley | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2005 | Twenty Mile germplasm boreal yarrow | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2004 | 'Alyeska' polargrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2004 | 'Arctared' red fescue | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2004 | 'Benson' beach wildrye | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2004 | 'Egan' sloughgrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2004 | 'Gruening' alpine bluegrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2004 | 'Kenai' polargrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2004 | 'Nugget' Kentucky bluegrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2004 | 'Norcoast' Bering hairgrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2004 | 'Nortran' tufted hairgrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2004 | 'Reeve' beach wildrye | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2004 | 'Service' big bluegrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2004 | 'Solomon' wheatgrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2004 | 'Sourdough' bluejoint reedgrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plant Flyers | Hunt, Peggy and Stoney J. Wright | 2004 | 'Wainwright' slender wheatgrass | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Seed, native, plants, report | Hunt, Peggy, Stoney J. Wright et al. | 2003-2008 | Alaska Seed Growers Assistance Program Progress Reports - combined | School of Agriculture & Land Resources Management, UAF |
Propagation | Hunt, Peggy and Nancy J. Moore | 2003 | Propagation protocol for production of container Arctophila fulva (Trin.) Rupr. ex Anderss. plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC. Native Plant Network., Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery |
Propagation | Hunt, Peggy and Nancy J. Moore | 2003 | Propagation protocol for production of container Boykinia richardsonii (Hook.) Rothrock plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC. Native Plant Network., Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Propagation | Hunt, Peggy and Nancy J. Moore | 2003 | Propagation protocol for production of container Carex aquatilis Wahlenberg var. aquatilis plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC. Native Plant Network., Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Propagation | Hunt, Peggy and Nancy J. Moore | 2003 | Propagation protocol for production of container Carex mertensii J.D. Prescott ex Bongard plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC. Native Plant Network., Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Propagation | Hunt, Peggy and Nancy J. Moore | 2003 | Propagation protocol for production of container Chamerion latifolium (L.) Holub plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC. Native Plant Network., Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Propagation | Hunt, Peggy and Nancy J. Moore | 2003 | Propagation protocol for production of container Oxytropis campestris (L.) DC. ssp. gracilis (Nels.) Hult. plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC. Native Plant Network., Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Propagation | Hunt, Peggy and Nancy J. Moore | 2005 | Propagation protocol for production of container Oxytropis maydelliana Trautv. plants | SOA, DNR, PMC. Native Plant Network., Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Mining | Hunt, Peggy and T.E. Weaks | 1985 | An analysis of the effects of strip-mining disturbance on bryophyte species diversity. | The bryologist 88(4): 344-349 (Engelmann). |
Propagation | Hunt, Peggy and Nancy J. Moore | 2004 | Propagation protocol for production of container Papaver alaskanum Hult. plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC. Native Plant Network., Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Propagation | Hunt, Peggy and Nancy J. Moore | 2003 | Propagation protocol for production of container Polemonium pulcherrimum Hook plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC. Native Plant Network., Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Propagation | Ross, Donald, Nancy J. Moore and Peggy Hunt | 2004 | Propagation protocol for production of container Viburnum edule (Michx.) Raf. plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC. Native Plant Network., Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Presentations | Larsen, Jessica H. | 2007 | Balancing commerce, subsistence and sustainability - Ethnobotany and non-timber forest products in Alaska | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Ethnobotany | Larsen, Jessica H. | 2007 | Alaska ethnobotany project: Non-timber forest products in the 49th state [Abstract]. | Proceedings of Society for Economic Botany, Chicago, Illinois, June 4-7, 2007. |
Oil | Moore, Nancy J. | 1992 | Assessment of erosion and plant cover on the Trans Alaska Pipeline right of way, Mileposts 0 - 800. Volume 1 of 3, Volume 2 of 3 and Volume 3 of 3 | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Forest | Moore, Nancy J. | 1994 | Wrangell District - U.S. Forest Service revegetation test plots | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Mining | Moore, Nancy J. | 1994 | Final report Green's Creek Mine revegetation test plantings | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Revegetation | Moore, Nancy J. and Stoney J. Wright | 1994 | Revegetation manual for King Salmon Air Force Base, King Salmon, Alaska | SOA, DNR, PMC pp. 57. |
Revegetation | Wright, Stoney and Nancy Moore | 1994 | Revegetation manual for Eareckson Air Force Station, Shemya, Alaska | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Revegetation | Wright, Stoney and Nancy Moore | 1991 | Revegetation with Arctophila fulva, final report 1985 - 1989 | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Reports | Wright, Stoney and Nancy Moore | 1995 | State of Alaska, Department Of Natural Resources, Plant Materials Center, 1995 WRCC-21 progress report | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Reports | Moore, Nancy J. | 1986 | Recommendations for reclamation species and techniques. | Alaska miner. April. |
Botany | Moore, Nancy J. | 1987 | Plant Profile 'Roland' Salix lasiandra. The Public Garden. | The American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta. 3(1) |
Revegetation, Roads | Moore, Nancy J. | 1995 | Revegetation Recommendations: Haines Highway Construction Project Milepost 24 to the Border. | SOA, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities and Department of Fish and Game. |
River | Moore, Nancy J. | 1997 | Soil Bioengineering Techniques for Riparian Applications in Alaska: Materials and Methods. | ISCORD 1997 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cold Region Development, American Society of Civil Engineers, Anchorage, AK, May 5-8, 1997. New York. |
River | Moore, Nancy J. and Phillip J. Brna. | 1987 | Streambank Revegetation With Woody Plants. | State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game. |
River | Moore, Nancy J., Jeanne Walter, Dean Hughes, and Gay Muhlberg. | 2005 | Streambank Revegetation and Protection: A Guide for Alaska, Revised 2005 | SOA Department of Fish and Game. |
River | Karle, Kenneth, Nancy J. Moore, and William W. Bennett. | 2003 | Evaluation of Bioengineered Stream Bank Stabilization in Alaska | SOA Department of Transportation & Public Facilities. |
River | Muhlberg, Gay and Nancy J. Moore | 1998 | Streambank Revegetation and Protection. | SOA Department of Fish and Game. |
Botany | Ross, Donald and Nancy J. Moore | 2004 | Propagation protocol for production of container Arnica frigida C. A. Mey. ex Iljin plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC, Native Plant Network: Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Botany | Ross, Donald and Nancy J. Moore | 2004 | Propagation protocol for production of container Aruncus dioicus (Walt.) Fern. acuminatus (Rydb.) Rydb. ex Hara plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC, Native Plant Network: Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Botany | Ross, Donald and Nancy J. Moore | 2004 | Propagation protocol for production of container Betula nana L. exilis (Sukaczev) Hultén plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC, Native Plant Network: Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Botany | Ross, Donald, Nancy J. Moore and VanZant, James. | 2004 | Propagation protocol for production of container Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (K.C. Gmel.) Palla plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC, Native Plant Network:, Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Botany | Ross, Donald and Nancy J. Moore | 2004 | Propagation protocol for production of container Menyanthes trifoliata L. plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC, Native Plant Network: Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Botany | Ross, Donald and Nancy J. Moore | 2004 | Propagation protocol for production of container Papaver macounii Greene discolor (Hultén) Rändel ex D.F. Murray plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC, Native Plant Network. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Botany | Ross, Donald and Nancy J. Moore | 2004 | Propagation protocol for production of container Swertia perennis L. plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC, Native Plant Network: Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery. |
Land | Wright, Stoney and Nancy Moore | 1993 | Report to Western Regional Coordinating Committee on the Alaska Plant Materials Center's Programs, 1992-1993. | Revegetation and stabilization of deteriorated and altered land. Western Regional Coordinating Committee, WRCC-21, Davis, California. p. 1-20. |
Land | Wright, Stoney and Nancy Moore | 1994 | Annual report to the Western Regional Coordinating Committee on the Alaska Plant Materials Center's Programs. | Revegetation and stabilization of deteriorated and altered land. Anchorage, Alaska. July 24-27, 1994. |
Land | Wright, Stoney and Nancy Moore | 1995 | Annual report to the Western Regional Committee on the Alaska Plant Materials Center's Programs. | Revegetation and stabilization of deteriorated and altered land. Boise, Idaho, July 10-12, 1995. |
Mining | Nolen, Andrew S. | 2005 | Abandon mine land reclamation Phase 5 Jonesville Mine, Sutton, Alaska - Revegetation implementation and monitoring. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Revegatation | Nolen, Andrew S. | 2006 | Revegetation and monitoring of the closed section of access trail - Stewart River Training Area, Nome, Alaska. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Hydrology | Nolen, Andrew S. | 2007 | Chistochina River wetland restoration, Tok cutoff 30E project, one year evaluation. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Mining | Nolen, Andrew S. | 2007 | Abandon mine land reclamation: Jonesville Mine, Sutton Alaska, Phases 3 and 4. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Mining | Nolen, Andrew S. | 2008 | Rehabilitation of the Kanuti Pit Materials Site 65-9-031-2 located at Milepost 105 of the Dalton Highway. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Revegetation | Nolen, Andrew S. | 2008 | Advanced evaluation plantings in Interior Alaska - Cold regions plot evaluation network. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Revegetation | Nolen, Andrew S. | 2008 | Advanced evaluation plantings in Northern Alaska - Cold regions plot evaluation network. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Revegetation | Nolen, Andrew S. | 2008 | Advanced evaluation plantings in Southcentral Alaska - Cold regions plot evaluation network. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Revegetation | Nolen, Andrew S. | 2008 | Advanced evaluation plantings in Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island - Cold regions plot evaluation network. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Vegetation | Nolen, Andrew S. | 2002 | Vetch Infestations in Alaska. | SOA, DNR, PMC and Department of Transportation & Public Facilities. |
Mining | Nolen, Andrew S. | 2007 | Abandoned Mine Revegetation: Jonesville Mine Phase III, IV, and V [Abstract]. | Northern Latitudes Mine Reclamation Workshop, Juneau, Alaska, May 14-16, 2007. |
Roads | Nolen, Andrew S. and Donald R. Ross. | 2006 | Vegetation Survey of Alaska's Richardson Highway: Identification of Plant Communities and Assessment of Control Strategies. | SOA, Department of Transportation & Public Facilities. |
fungus | Donald Ross | 2009 | Conks / Shelf fungi. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Plants | Donald Ross | 2009 | Fiddlehead ferns. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
wetland, fruits, plants | Donald Ross | 2008 | Bog blueberry / Alpine blueberry. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
ski, vegetation | Donald Ross | 1993 | 1993 initial report - Alyeska Resort revegetation test plots. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
fertilizers | Donald Ross | 1987 | Controlled-release fertilizer trials on four containerized woody plants. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Mining, soil | Donald Ross | 2007 | Red Dog soils growth trial. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
breeder seed | Ross, Donald R. and Edith Heyward. | 1989 | Foundation seed production, technical report, 1977 - 1988. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
trees and shrubs | Wright, Stoney J. | 1985 | Willow varieties for Alaska. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
grasses | Wright, Stoney J. | 1986 | Beach wildrye, Elymus arenarius, sprigging on Shemya Air Force Base, Lateral Clear Zone - A qualitative study in response to questions arising from contract DACA 85-86-C-0042 (Miscellaneous earthwork and utilities repair). | SOA, DNR, PMC |
grasses | Wright, Stoney J. | 1986 | Notice of naming and release of 'Egan' American sloughgrass (Beckmannia syzigachne). | SOA, DNR, PMC |
grasses | Wright, Stoney J. | 1986 | Notice of naming and release of 'Gruening' Alpine bluegrass (Poa alpina). | SOA, DNR, PMC |
vegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1987 | Final report of initial and advanced conservation plantings at Ruby, Alaska, 1984 - 1986. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Mining | Wright, Stoney J. | 1987 | Final report on the evaluation of advanced herbaceous conservation species at the Usibelli Coal Mine near Healy, Alaska, 1983 - 1986. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
vegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1987 | Final report of initial demonstration and advanced conservation plantings at Kalsin Bay evaluation plot on Kodiak Island, 1982 - 1986. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Mining | Wright, Stoney J. | 1987 | Final report on the evaluation of advanced conservation species at the Premier Coal Mine near Palmer, Alaska, 1983 - 1986. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
grasses | Wright, Stoney J. | 1988 | Final report on the evaluation of advanced conservation grasses at Terror Lake hydro electric project on Kodiak Island, Alaska, 1983 - 1987. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Mining | Wright, Stoney J. | 1988 | Final report on the evaluation of advanced herbaceous conservation species at Diamond Alaska test pits near Tyonek, Alaska 1983 - 1987. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
vegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1988 | Final report of initial demonstration and advanced conservation plantings at the city of Kenai evaluation plot in 1984 - 1987. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
vegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1988 | Final report of initial demonstration and advanced conservation plantings at the Mile Post 1408 evaluation plot near Delta, Alaska, 1983 - 1986. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
water, vegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1989 | Final report of data and observations obtained from the Chena flood control project evaluation plots located near North Pole, Alaska, 1985 - 1988. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
vegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1989 | Final report of initial demonstration and advanced conservation plantings at the Fairbanks evaluation plot Fairbanks, Alaska, 1985 - 1988. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Mining | Wright, Stoney J. | 1989 | Final report of data and observations from the 2C Access Spur and Mine Site D herbaceous evaluation plots located in the Kuparuk Unit. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
vegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1989 | Notice of naming and release of 'Caiggluk' Tilesy sage. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
vegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1989 | Notice of naming and release of 'Service' big bluegrass. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Mining | Wright, Stoney J. | 1990 | 1990 final report of data and observations obtained from the Red Dog Mine evaluation and demonstration plots. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
vegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1990 | Final report of data and observations obtained from the Delta Bison Range evaluation plot. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
vegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1990 | Final report of initial evaluation plantings at the Kenny Lake evaluation plots, 1980 - 1989. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
vegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1990 | Final report of data and observations obtained from the Adak Naval Air Station evaluation plot network. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
vegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1991 | Assessment of revegetation on the Aleutian Islands of Adak, Amchitka, Shemya, and Attu. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
grasses | Wright, Stoney J. | 1991 | Notice of naming and release of 'Benson' Beach wildrye for vegetative production. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
grasses | Wright, Stoney J. | 1991 | Notice of naming and release of 'Reeve' Beach wildrye. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
wetland, revegetation, seed | Wright, Stoney J. | 1993 | Wetland revegetation projects in Alaska using adapted species having commercially available seed. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Mining, vegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1993 | Final report on the evaluation of herbaceous species at three gold mines near Nome, Alaska, 1989-1992. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
grasses, guide | Wright, Stoney J. | 1994 | Beach wildrye - Planting guide for Alaska. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
rehabilitation, revegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1995 | Atigun Pass reroute rehabilitation project - Final report, 1994. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
grasses | Wright, Stoney J. | 1995 | Pringle Hill Sand Quarry - Restoration project - NSGA Adak, Alaska, 1993 - 1995, final report. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
revegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1995 | Project Chariot - Site revegetation program, 1993 - 1995. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
stream, river, | Wright, Stoney J. | 1997 | 1996 final report, Chugach Electric Association, Inc. - Girdwood to Ingram Creek restoration project. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
organic, soil | Wright, Stoney J. | 1997 | Final report - Natural revegetation of peat soils on Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska - A qualitative study of a natural process. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
seed, native | Wright, Stoney J. | 1998 | Final report - Interior native seed collection project. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
germplasm | Wright, Stoney J. | 1998 | Falkland Islands germplasm exploration, January 1998. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
germplasm | Wright, Stoney J. | 1999 | Aleutian germplasm collection and preservation project 1996 - 1999. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
restoration, trash, garbage | Wright, Stoney J. | 1999 | Landfill restoration on Adak Island. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
vegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 2000 | Final report - Mile post 22 floodplain vegetation study, 1995-2000. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
South America, Germplasm | Wright, Stoney J. | 2000 | South Georgia Island / Falkland Islands germplasm exploration project 2000. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
germplasm | Wright, Stoney J. | 2006 | Notice of release of pre-certified selected class germplasm of native plants for commercial production and use in Alaska. 2005 grouping of accessions. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
germplasm | Wright, Stoney J. | 2007 | Notice of release of pre-certified selected class germplasm of native plants for commercial production and use in Alaska. 2006 grouping of accessions. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
Revegetation Manual | Wright, Stoney J. | 2007 | A revegetation manual for Alaska | SOA, DNR, PMC |
germplasm | Wright, Stoney J. | 2008 | Notice of release of pre-certified selected class germplasm of native plants for commercial production and use in Alaska. 2007 grouping of accessions. | SOA, DNR, PMC |
sand, restoration, conservation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1987 | Sand Stabilization Within the Lateral Clear Zone on Shemya Air Force Base. | The American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, November 30, 1987 |
Mining, Restoration | Wright, Stoney J. | 1987 | Reclamation In Alaska. | Annual Meeting of the Alaska Miners Association Technology Short Course, Alaska, 1987. |
Revegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1988 | Advances in Plant Material and Revegetation Technology in Alaska | Proceedings of the High Altitude Revegetation Conference, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1988. |
Revegetation, pipeline | Wright, Stoney J. | 1988 | Advances in revegetation technology following the completion of TAPS. | Renergy - Alaska Oil and Industry. 7(6). |
Revegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1989 | Advances in plant materials technology and revegetation technology in Alaska. | D. Walker, C. Powter, M. Pole. Proceedings of the Conference, Reclamation, a Global Perspective, Canadian Land Reclamation Association and the American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 27-31, 1989. p. 107-116 |
air, sand, erosion | Wright, Stoney J. | 1989 | Sand control on Adak Naval Air Station. | The American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 17, 1989. |
grasses, oil, restoration | Wright, Stoney J. | 1990 | An overview of the Alaska Plant Materials Center's work with Beach Wildrye Elymus arenarius (E. mollis). | Proceedings of the Public Symposium. Restoration Following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Restoration Planning Work Group. Anchorage, Alaska, March 26-27, 1990. |
grasses | Wright, Stoney J. | 1990 | Landscaping on Adak Naval Air Station using 'Norcoast' Bering Hairgrass and 'Arctared' Red Fescue. | The American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, October 29, 1990. |
Revegetation, techniques | Wright, Stoney J. | 1990 | Advances in plant material and revegetation technology in Alaska. | Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference on Placer Mining, Fairbanks, Alaska, March 29-April 2, 1989. |
registration | Wright, Stoney J. | 1991 | Registration of 'Egan' American sloughgrass. | Crop Science. 31(5):1380-1381. |
registration | Wright, Stoney J. | 1991 | Registration of 'Caiggluk' Tilesy sagebrush. | Crop Science. 31(5):1380. |
registration | Wright, Stoney J. | 1991 | Registration of 'Gruening' Alpine bluegrass. | Crop Science. 31(5):1379-1380. |
Seeds | Mahlev, Lyubo | 2014 | Seeds of Success Progress Report. | Plant Materials Center |
Seeds | Mahlev, Lyubo | 2015 | Seeds of Success Progress Report. | Plant Materials Center |
seeds, plants | Mahlev, Lyubo | 2014 | Mat-Su Riparian Plant Material Development Final Report. | Plant Materials Center |
seeds, parks, revegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1991 | Using native seeded species for landscaping and trail restoration on Adak Naval Air Station. | The American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 28, 1991. |
trash, garbage, revegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1992 | Solid Waste Reduction and Landfill Restoration at the U.S. Coast Guard Loran C Station located at Port Clarence, Alaska. | The American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 2-6, 1992. |
wetland, revegetation, restoration | Wright, Stoney J. | 1992 | Three case studies of successful wetland rehabilitation in Alaska using newly developed wetland cultivars. | Land Reclamation: Advances in Research and Technology, Proceedings of the International Symposium, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Nashville, Tennessee, December 14-15, 1992. |
ocean, shore, revegetation, grasses | Wright, Stoney J. | 1992 | Overview of recent coastal restoration projects in Alaska using Beach Wildrye (Elymus mollis). | Land Reclamation: Advances in Research and Technology, Proceedings of the International Symposium, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Nashville, Tennessee, December 14-15, 1992. |
Mining, shrubs, restoration | Wright, Stoney J. | 1993 | Gravel pit restoration using imprinting to encourage natural revegetation by woody species on Fort Richardson, Alaska. | The American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 7-12, 1993. |
grasses, restoration, ocean, shore | Wright, Stoney J. | 1994 | Using Beach Wildrye for coastal revegetation in Alaska. | C. Smith. Proceedings of the 1st Circumpolar Agricultural Conference, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, September 1992. p. 141-150. |
grasses | Wright, Stoney J. | 1994 | Effects of Beach Wildrye on foredune dynamics on Adak Naval Air Station, Adak, Alaska. | The American Society of Agronomy Meeting, Seattle, Washington, November 13-18, 1994. |
grasses | Wright, Stoney J. | 1994 | Beach Wildrye planting guide for Alaska. | SOA, DNR, PMC and U.S. Navy EFA, N W, Silverdale, Washington. 28 pp. |
registration | Wright, Stoney J. | 1994 | Registration of 'Reeve' Beach wildrye. | Crop Science. 34(2):537. |
registration | Wright, Stoney J. | 1994 | Registration of 'Benson' Beach wildrye. | Crop Science. 34(2):537. |
seeds, wetlands | Wright, Stoney J. | 1995 | Collecting and commercializing native wetland species for seed production. | Wetlands Research & Technology Center. Proceedings of the National Interagency Workshop on Wetlands: Technology Advances for Wetlands Science. U.S. Army Engineers Waterway Experiment Station, Technical Report. p. 403-406. |
organic, soil, revegetation, restoration | Wright, Stoney J. | 1995 | Natural revegetation of peat soils on Eareckson AFS, Shemya, Alaska. | The American Society of Agronomy Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, October 30-November 3, 1995. |
sand, mining, restoration | Wright, Stoney J. | 1995 | Restoration of a sand quarry located at Adak NAF, Adak, Alaska. | The American Society of Agronomy Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, October 30-November 3, 1995. |
growing, collection | Wright, Stoney J. | 1995 | Recent collection efforts and potential commercialization of native plant species in Alaska. | The American Society of Agronomy Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, October 30-November 3, 1995. |
erosion, restoration, conservation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1996 | Coastal erosion in Alaska using seed and transplants in erosion control technology...Bringing it home. | Proceedings of the International Erosion Control Association, Seattle, Washington. |
cultivar | Wright, Stoney J. | 1996 | Department of Defense contributions to seed collecting and cultivar development in Alaska. | The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1996. |
Revegetation, history | Wright, Stoney J. | 1997 | Revegetation in Alaska: Where we have been and where we are heading. | ISCORD 1997 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cold Region Development, American Society of Civil Engineers, Anchorage, Alaska, May 5-8, 1997. New York. |
erosion, restoration, conservation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1997 | Erosion control and reclamation on coastal sand areas on the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. | ISCORD 1997 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cold Region Development, American Society of Civil Engineers, Anchorage, Alaska, May 5-8, 1997. New York. |
native plants | Wright, Stoney J. | 1997 | Advances in native species production and technology in Alaska. | The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, Anaheim, California, 1997. |
grasses | Wright, Stoney J. | 1998 | Results of a ten-year study of Beach Wildrye establishment and sand control on the Eareckson AFS Lateral Clear Zone-Shemya Island, Alaska. | The American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, 1998. |
ocean, erosion, restoration, conservation, revegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1998 | Coastal erosion control in Alaska using seed and transplants. | Land and water. 42(2):30-33. |
conservation, restoration, revegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 1998 | Girdwood to Ingram Creek restoration project. | Land and water. 42(4):26-28. |
grasses, South America | Wright, Stoney J. | 2001 | Initial results in the phenotypic comparisons of Tussac Grass, Poa flabellata, germplasm from the Falkland Islands and South Georgia Island. | The 4th Circumpolar Agricultural Conference: Legacy and Vision in Northern Agriculture. Akureyri, Iceland, August 27-29, 2001. |
plants | Wright, Stoney J. | 2001 | Native plant collections ready for commercial production in Alaska. | The 4th Circumpolar Agricultural Conference: Legacy and Vision in Northern Agriculture. Akureyri, Iceland, August 27-29, 2001. |
grasses | Wright, Stoney J. | 2002 | Tussac Grass, a unique southern hemisphere genetic resource worthy of additional research. | The American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2002. |
gathering, accessions | Wright, Stoney J. | 2006 | Alaskan efforts in collecting, cataloguing and regenerating high latitude accessions. | European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources. Climatic Change and Genetic Resources in Northern Europe - Report of a Workshop, Rovaniemi, Finland, 18-19 September 2006. |
gathering, accessions | Wright, Stoney J. | 2007 | Alaskan efforts in collecting, cataloguing and the regeneration of high latitude accessions. | Veteläinen, M., Helgadóttir, Á., Weibull, J. Climatic change and genetic resources in northern Europe - Report of a workshop 18-19 September 2006, Rovaniemi, Finland. Bioversity International. Rome. p. 11-12. |
native plants | Wright, Stoney J. | 2007 | Developing commercial sources for native seed and plants in Alaska. | Proceedings for the Northern Latitudes Mining Conference, Juneau, Alaska. |
ocean, shores, grasses, restoration, conservation, revegetation | Wright, Stoney J. | 2007 | Alaska coastal dune restoration and stabilization with Beach Wildrye, Leymus mollis. | Proceedings: International Coastal Dune Restoration Conference, Santander, Spain, 3-5 October, 2007. |
pest control, protection | Wright, Stoney J. | 2007 | Native plant ecovar development in Alaska supported by the Department of Defense. | The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2007. |
growth, grasses | Wright, Stoney J. | 2008 | Domestication of native plant species for seed production and planting in Arctic and sub-arctic Alaska. | Proceedings from Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World, XXI, International Grassland Congress and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Guangdong Peoples Publishing House, Guangzhou, Peoples Republic of China. p. 457. |
protection, conservation | Wright, Stoney J. | 2008 | Long-term monitoring of dune stabilization on the Eareckson AFS Lateral Clear Zone on Shemya Island, Alaska. | The American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, 2008. |
restoration, conservation, protection | Wright, Stoney J. | 2009 | Long-Term monitoring of dune re-establishment and sand quarry restoration utilizing Beach Wildrye, Leymus mollis on the former Adak Naval Air Station on Adak Island, Alaska. | The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2009. |
ocean, shore, grasses | Wright, Stoney J. and Lloyd H. Fanter. | 1988 | Recreating a coastal community using Beach Wildrye sprigs and seeded grasses. | Proceedings - Second Annual Meeting of Alaska Association of Environmental Professionals, Anchorage, Alaska 1988. |
grasses, restoration, conservation, revegetation, protection | Wright, Stoney J., Lloyd H. Fanter and John M. Ikeda. | 1987 | Initial attempts in establishing Beach Wildrye on Shemya Air Force Base. | The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, Atlanta, Georgia, November 30, 1987. |
conservation, protection, erosion | Wright, Stoney J., Lloyd H. Fanter and John M. Ikeda. | 1987 | Sand stabilization within the Lateral Clear Zone at Shemya Air Force Base, Alaska using Beach Wildrye, (Elymus arenarius). | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. |
ocean, shore, revegetation, restoration | Wright, Stoney J., David C. Grooms and Dale D. Steeby. | 1997 | Restoration of a coastal wetland following the rebuilding of a transmission line from Girdwood to Ingram Creek in Southcentral Alaska. | ISCORD 1997 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cold Region Development, American Society of Civil Engineers, Anchorage, Alaska, May 5-8, 1997. New York. |
germplasm | Wright, Stoney J., Richard Hannan and Henry Shands. | 1998 | The Arctic Germplasm Repository - A new link in the circumpolar network. | The American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, 1998. |
Dunes, Coastal, restoration | Wright, Stoney J. | 2007 | Alaska Coastal Dune Restoration and Stabilization With Beach Wildrye, Leymus Mollis | International Conference on Management and Restoration of Coastal Dunes |
accessions, restoration, germplasm, native species | Wright, Stoney J. | 2006 | Alaskan efforts in collecting, cataloguing and the regeneration of high latitude accessions | International Conference on Management and Restoration of Coastal Dunes |
climate change, environmental, conservation, genetic diversity | Wright, Stoney J. et. al. | 2007 | Genetic resources from the north and environmental changes | Plant Genetic Resources and their Exploitation in the Plant Breeding for Food and Agriculture |
erosion, conservation, creek, river | Wright, Stoney J. | 2005 | Vegetation Riprap Survey of Highways in Soutchentral and Interior Alaska | Alaska Department of Transportation |
erosion, conservation, vegetation, native | Wright, Stoney J. | 2006 | Vegetation Study of Alaska's Richardson Highway: Identification of Plant Communities and Assessment of Control Strategies | Alaska Department of Transportation |
elymus arenarius, sprigging, conservation, vegetation, native | Wright, Stoney J. | October 1986 | Beach Wildrye, Elymus arenarius, Sprigging on Shemya Air Force Base, Lateral Clear Zone - A qualitative Study in Response to Questions Arising From Contract DACA 85-86-C-0042 (Miscellaneous Earthwork and Utilities Repair) | Plant Materials Center |
conservation, vegetation | Moore, Nancy J. | April 1987 | Final Report on the Evaluation of Advanced Herbaceous Conservation Species at Fort Richardson, Anchorage, AK 1983-1986 | Plant Materials Center |
varieties, species, arctic, plots, conservation, vegetation | Wright, Stoney | January 1989 | 1988 Interim Report of Initial Data and Observations Obtained from the Red Dog Mine Evaluation and Demonstration Plots | Plant Materials Center |
varieties, species, arctic, erosion control, conservation, vegetation | Wright, Stoney | January 1989 | Final Report of Data and Observations Obtained from the 2C Access Spur and Mine Site D Herbaceous Evaluation Plots Located in the Kuparuk Unit | Plant Materials Center |
varieties, species, arctic, erosion control, conservation, vegetation, seed mix, wildrye | Wright, Stoney | October 1990 | Final Report of Data and Observations Obtained from the Adak Naval Air Station Evaluation Plot Network | Plant Materials Center |
varieties, species, arctic, erosion control, conservation, vegetation, seed mix, river crossing | Wright, Stoney | October 1990 | Final Report of Data and Observations Obtained from the Red Dog Mine Evaluation and Demonstration Plots | Plant Materials Center |
varieties, species, arctic, erosion control, conservation, vegetation, seed mix, wildrye, willow, planting, plots | Wright, Stoney | October 1990 | Final Report of Data and Observations Obtained from the Adak Naval Air Station Evaluation Plot Network | Plant Materials Center |
Trans Alaska Pipeline, research, placer mining, regulations, reclamation, wildlife habitat, erosion control, vegetative increase, testing, seed, variety, cultivar | Wright, Stoney | October 1987(?) | Advances in Plant Material and Revegatation Technology in Alaska | Plant Materials Center |
reclamation, habitat, cultivar, land, erosion control, technical assistance | Wright, Stoney | October 1987(?) | Initial Data and Observations Obtained from the Chena Flood Control Project Evaluation Plots Located Near North Pole, Alaska | Plant Materials Center |
species, variety, cultivars, habitat, reclamation, plants, erosion control, grazing, sandy soils | Wright, Stoney | February 1990 | Final Report of Data and Observations Obtained from the Delta Bison Range Evaluation Plot | Plant Materials Center |
commercial production, arctic test sites, species, varieties, revegetation, dormant seeding | Wright, Stoney | March 1998 | Initial Data and Oservations Obtained from the Cominco Port Site Herbaceous Evaluation Plots | Plant Materials Center |
reclamation, erosion control, ecological, geographical, plots, fertilize, planting, grass | Wright, Stoney | April 1987 | Final Report on the Evaluation of Advanced Herbaceous Conservation Species at the Premier Coal Mine near Palmer, Alaska | Plant Materials Center |
reclamation, erosion control, ecological, geographical, plots, fertilize, planting, grass | Wright, Stoney | March 1988 | Revegetation of Off-Road Vehicle Disturbances on Alpine Areas of Fort Richardson | Plant Materials Center |
revegetation, willow, potential markets, salix | Moore, Nancy J. | Revegetation with Native Willows and Potential Markets | Plant Materials Center | |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 1976 | Annual Report, 1975. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 1977 | Annual Report, 1976. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 1974 | Annual Report, 1973. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 1987 | 1986 Progress Report for the Conservation Plant Project. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 1989 | Annual Report, 1988. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 1990 | Annual Report, 1989. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 1991 | Annual Report, 1990. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 1992 | Annual Report, 1991. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 1993 | Annual Report, 1992. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 1994 | Annual Report, 1993. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 1995 | Annual Report, 1994. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 1996 | Annual Report, 1995. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 1998 | Combined Annual Report, 1996 - 1997. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 1999 | Annual Report, 1998. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 2000 | Annual Report, 1999. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 2001 | Annual Report, 2000. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 2002 | Annual Report, 2001. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 2003 | Annual Report, 2002. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 2004 | Annual Report, 2003. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 2005 | Annual Report, 2004. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 2006 | Annual Report, 2005. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 2008 | 2006 - 2007 Annual Report. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 2009 | Annual Report, 2008. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 2011 | Combined Annual Report, 2009 - 2010. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 2011-2012 | Combined Annual Report, 2011 - 2012. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports, Publications | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 2013 | Annual Report, 2013. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports, Publications | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 2014 | Annual Report, 2014. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Annual Reports | Alaska Plant Materials Center | 2015 | Annual Report, 2015. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Manuals | Sajja, Sohban B., ed. Brennan Veith Low. | 2011 | Seed production training manual. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center pp. 39. |
State Fair | Wright, Cathy | 1993 | Alaska Plant Materials Center's Palmer Fairgrounds demonstration plot | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
horticulture, trials, vegetable | Foreaker, Ralph | 2016 | 2015 Broccoli Trial | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
horticulture, trials, vegetable | Foreaker, Ralph | 2016 | 2015 Garlic Trial | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Greenhouse, orchard, farm | Eberhart, Elizabeth and Catherine I. Wright. | 1984 | Survey of nursery and greenhouse production in Alaska, 1982. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
Strawberry, farm | Wright, Catherine I., Janet Bunker and Kathyrn Eberhart. | 1983 | Strawberry plant market survey and production feasibility study. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
farm | Wright, Catherine I. | 1987 | Summary of vegetable variety trials, Palmer, Alaska, 1986. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
nursery, farm, orchard | Wright, Catherine I. | 1987 | Pruning principles for nursery stock. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
vegetable, farm | Wright, Catherine I. | 1988 | Summary of vegetable variety observations, Palmer, Alaska, 1988. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
nursery, farm, orchard | Wright, Catherine I. | 1988 | Apple rootstocks. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
farm, variety trials | Wright, Catherine I. | 1988 | Rhubarb variety trials. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
plants | Wright, Catherine I. | 1991 | Horticultural demonstration plantings on the Naval Complex, Adak, Alaska. | SOA, DNR, Plant Materials Center |
farm, vegetables, trials | Gavlak, Ray G., Don Carling, M. Comeau, Jerry Purser, Wayne Vandre, James Walworth, Cathy Wright. | 1990 May | Vegetable variety trials - Matanuska Valley, Alaska, 1989. | University of Alaska Fairbanks Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station. |
Restoration, remediation | Hopkins, A.M., S. A. Mayasich, S. J. Wright, W. C. Hanson and K. J. Cabble. | 1994 | U. S. Department of Energy. Remediation and restoration of radioactive sites: Project Chariot case study. | Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 15th Annual Meeting, Abstracts of the technicak sessions, Denver, Colorado, October 30-November 3, 1994. |
Poster, Invasive, Publications | Allen, Kimberly, Heather Stewart and Brianne Blackburn | 2014 | Alternative Plants Poster | Plant Materials Center |
Brochure, Invasive, Publications | Allen, Kimberly, Heather Stewart and Brianne Blackburn | 2014 | Alternative Plants Brochure | Plant Materials Center |
Brochure, Invasive, Publications | Allen, Kimberly, Heather Stewart and Brianne Blackburn | 2013 | Elodea Brochure | Plant Materials Center |
Wallet card, Invasive, Publications | Allen, Kimberly and Brianne Blackburn | 2013 | Elodea Wallet Card | Plant Materials Center |
Poster, Invasive, Publications | Allen, Kimberly, Heather Stewart and Brianne Blackburn | 2013 | Canada thistle Poster | Plant Materials Center |
Sticker, Invasive, Publications | Allen, Kimberly and Brianne Blackburn | 2013 | Canada thistle Sticker | Plant Materials Center |
Rack Card, Invasive, Publications | Kim Allen and Brianne Blackburn | 2013 | Canada thistle Rack Card | Plant Materials Center |
Bus Ad, Invasive, Publications | Kim Allen and Brianne Blackburn | 2013 | Canada thistle Bus Ad | Plant Materials Center |
Poster | PMC Staff | Alaska State Seed Lab Poster | Plant Materials Center | |
Report, Invasive | Stewart, Heather | 2013 | Canada thistle 2013 Report | Plant Materials Center |
Report, Invasive | Stewart, Heather | 2014 | Canada thistle 2014 Report | Plant Materials Center |
Report, Invasive | Stewart, Heather | 2015 | Canada thistle 2015 Report | Plant Materials Center |
disease, virus, potato | PMC | 2014 | AK Seed Potato Certification Handbook, 2014 | Plant Materials Center |
Invasive Weeds, Field Guide, Instruction, Publications | Brianne Blackburn, Jacquelyn Schade, Heather Stewart, Kimberly Allen | 2013 | Terrestrial Weed Identification Guide | Plant Materials Center |
Potato, disease, virus, video | PMC and guests | 2014 | Potato Symposium video download (large file: stable connection suggested) | Plant Materials Center |
Revegetation, Plant Identification, Field Guide, Publications | Robert Carter, Kimberly Allen | 2013 | Revegetation Plant Identification Field Guide | Plant Materials Center |
Elodea, Rack Card, Publications | PMC | 2012 | Elodea Rack Card | Plant Materials Center |
Potato, Report, Publications | William Campbell | 2013 | Potato Variety Trial Project 2013 | Plant Materials Center |
Brochure, Plant Materials Center, Publications | Kim Allen | 2014 | Plant Materials Center Brochure | PPlant Materials Center |
Brochure, Publications, Plant Materials Center | 2014 | Weed Free Forage Brochure | Plant Materials Center | |
Brochure, Publications | 2014 | Weed Free Gravel Brochure | Plant Materials Center | |
Rack Card, PPublications, Invasive | Purple Loosestrife Rack Card | Plant Materials Center | ||
Elodea, Kenai | Brianne Blackburn | 2013 | 2013 Stormy and Daniels Lake Elodea Eradication Project Environmental Assessment | Plant Materials Center |
Trans Alaska Pipeline, vegetation cover, Publications | Staff | 2013 | 2013 Assessment of Erosion and Plant Cover on the Trans Alaska Pipeline Right of Way (ROW) and Evaluation of Gasline and Pump Stations | Plant Materials Center - not available online |
Poster, outreach, Publications | Kim Allen, Heather Stewart | 2014 | 2014 Canada Thistle Poster | Plant Materials Center |
Poster, outreach, invasive, Publications | Kim Allen, Brianne Blackburn | 2014 | 2014 Committee for Noxious and Invasive Plant Management (CNIPM) Poster | Plant Materials Center |
Kenai, invasive, Elodea | Brianne Blackburn | 2014 | 2014 Stormy and Danield Lake Elodea Eradication Project Environmental Assessment Supplement | Plant Materials Center |
Kenai, invasive, Elodea | Peter Johnson | 2017 | 2017 Sport Lake Supplemental Environmental Assessment | Plant Materials Center |
Horticulture, Broccoli, Publications | Rusty Foreaker | 2014 | 2014 Broccoli Variety Trial Results | Plant Materials Center |
European Bird Cherry, Invasives, Publications | Heather Stewart, Kim Allen, Tim Stallard, Gino Graziano, Patricia Joyner | 2015 | 2015 European Bird Cherry Brochure | Plant Materials Center, BLM |
European Bird Cherry, Invasives, Publications | Kim Allen, Tim Stallard | 2015 | 2015 European Bird Cherry Poster | Plant Materials Center, BLM |
Alaska Grown, vegetable, brochure, Publications | Kim Allen, Jacki Schade | 2015 | Alaska Carrots Brochure | Plant Materials Center, Division of Agriculture |
Alaska Grown, vegetable, brochure, Publications | Kim Allen, Jacki Schade | 2015 | Asparagus Brochure | Plant Materials Center, Division of Agriculture |
Alaska Grown, vegetable, brochure, Publications | Kim Allen, Jacki Schade | 2015 | Cauliflower Brochure | Plant Materials Center, Division of Agriculture |
Alaska Grown, vegetable, brochure, Publications | Kim Allen, Jacki Schade | 2015 | Garlic Brochure | Plant Materials Center, Division of Agriculture |
Aquatic, Invasive, flyer, Publications | Kim Allen, Heather Stewart | 2015 | Aquatic Invasive Plant Identification | Plant Materials Center |
Revegetation, publications, field guide | Czapla, Phil K. and Kim Allen | 2015 | Noatak Field Guide | Plant Materials Center |
Subject/Keyword | Author | Year | Publication Name | Published By |
For a copy of publications not linked here, please contact the Alaska Plant Materials Center, 5310 South Bodenburg Spur, Palmer, AK 99645; 907-745-4469; or email webmaster.